Houses in Strange Locations

If you are looking to buy or rent a property, you may well be flummoxed by some of the houses in strange locations that are on offer.

Some of these properties may seem ideal except for the fact of their weird whereabouts and it is a good idea to keep the following tips and advice in mind when you are considering buying or renting one of these properties.


What is a ‘strange’ location?

There are many different areas or types of location that could be referred to as ‘strange’.

It is important to remember that the concept of strangeness is a subjective one, meaning that what one person considers odd and unliveable would be a dream come true for another individual.

If you think a property is in an odd location, get a second or even a third opinion from friends, family and other professionals involved in the real estate industry.

The following are just a few of the odd areas that you may have to consider properties in.


Secluded areas devoid of other people and buildings

When you drive through the country side between cities, you may have noticed an odd little house here and there with nothing else around it for miles. This would not be so unexpected if the property had farmland and several barns surrounding it, but standing alone it is a strange sight.


On hillsides right next to highways and other major roads

These types of property are more commonly viewed and are also considered quite strange. There are some magnificent homes built on the edge of the highway whose only view is the highway itself.



Right next to airports and landing strips

When you are coming home from a holiday or business trip and your plane comes in to land, have you ever marvelled at how close you come to surrounding houses?

You can see their swimming pools, their braai area, the laundry hanging in the garden and you know that they must surely be able to hear and even feel the vibrations of the plane.


In the central business district of a city

Another strange and somewhat uncommon location for a house is in the CBD of a city.

While there are many warehouses, factories, high rise buildings of offices and businesses of all kinds, you do not often see family homes.


What are the advantages of purchasing a house in a strange location?

  • The house may be going for a good price because of the strange area
  • If the house is in a secluded, quiet area, it may have a larger garden, more space or a quieter feel than any other areas
  • The house may be nicer than many other houses in a bid by the owner to get someone to buy or rent it


What are the cons of houses in strange locations?

  • The house may be further away from your place of work, your child’s school and your friends and family
  • If in the central business district, next to the highway or airport, the area may be incredibly noisy and disturbing
  • If the house is in a secluded area, you may be very far away from the nearest hospital or medical facility
  • If the house is in a secluded area it may be somewhat unsafe because of the lack of policing and neighbours


What you should keep in mind when purchasing ANY property, regardless of its whereabouts

  1. Never buy a property unless you have seen it in person more than once
  2. Never buy a property unless you have inspected the inner workings and made sure that there are no hidden problems and flaws
  3. Never buy a property that does not have adequate security
  4. Never buy a property that does not fulfil your needs and requirements
  5. Never buy a property that is too far away from the areas in which you work, your children go to school and you socialise and spend time
  6. Never buy a property that needs work that you do not have the time to complete or the money to pay for
  7. Never buy a property that you cannot afford